
Husband Under Anesthesia Forgets Wife Lost 77 lbs & Can’t Stop Hitting On Her.

I can’t stop laughing!

“You Look So HOT!” he said. Silvia Caswell’s husband was completely out of the sedation phase and his behavior is odd.

He barely recognized his wife at the moment. The reason was quite hilarious and sad.

The anesthesia given to him while operating on him was different than others and made him forget all his previous memories.

Husband Forget Wife lost 77 pounds

Her wife has gone through a weight loss cycle and lost 77 pounds. Forgetting about all of this, her husband was hitting continuously on her

Thinking that she’s some other attractive girls. The results of the incident were hilarious!

And, the funny thing here is that her wife filmed everything while laughing at the same time.

He was actually admitted to the hospital to get an MRI Scan. But during his post-sedation phase, he tells her wife that he came here to watch ESPN

Post sedation husband flirts with wife thinking she as another person

during his forgotten state he flirts with his wife and asks her to join him telling that there’s actual room for another person.

Where he didn’t realize he’s in a hospital bed. Which entirely looked cute & hilarious. If you want to check out the cute video

Here it is:

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